blog four

I set myself numerous targets in order to constantly have vigorous achievements and be the best version of myself as a performer, I aspired to achive many different skills by the first of each month and mark it as a check point to track where I am with the skill I hope to gain confidently. Whilst undertaking my development I made changes to my previous plan as I became aware that in order to excel in regards to my set targets I needed to priorities them more and find time to focus on producing a form of supporting work that would help me achive the skill I have set out to harness. I began practicing each set target for two nights every week of the month, by placing this new deadline based time scale for myself I was able to enforce urgency and productivity. 

Increasing how often I worked towards achieving my set targets for my development plan was beneficial for specific targets based around vocals as taking care of my voice and consistently preparing with vocal warm ups allowed me to develop what I can produce by each target session. I am currently exploring how I can develop this Target further as  through the use of exploring breath control I have been able to extend my notes and challenge my technique quite simply and I belive I am taking the correct steps as I have achieved my set target of reaching Fourty (40) seconds with one breath. Due to this my new target is 45 seconds as its important that I understand there are still limitations and I can't apply too much pressure to my vocal chords and lungs without receiving damage.

I have proceeded to challenge myself to improve skills such as my forwards walkover which is a known acrobatics movement which is quite common but requires a lot of endurance as well as core, arm and leg muscle strength and control. 
After reflecting on the footage within the video of my forward walkover it became apparent that landing and becoming secure in my feet was something that required development therefore I practiced activities that would engage all aspects of my body to ensure I was ready and informed on how to handle any form of impact.
Crab walking allowed to my regain flexibility within my back and gradually ease it into having to bend my spine in an un natural position, this exercise helped me gain confidence and an understanding on how to prepare my body physically before diving into a physical activity. I am constantly working on further challenging myself to improve my forwards walkover to a point I feel confident I can do it without thought.

I am constantly trying to become a more techniqually proficient performer in all aspects of the industry therefore I set the target of furthering my emotional portrayal through song, I have challenged myself to do so by singing simplistic songs which can firstly be presented in the style of a monologue, once I had grasped the intent and emotion I was begging to portray in my song turned monologue I began singing the song in short sections to try and capture where I am portraying the most characterisation and emotion, here is an example:

Challenging myself vocally is a target I will always aspire to achive and in order to do this I need to have strong vowel pronunciation which I work on regularly. Vowel pronunciation impacts how you sing a song as it determine how accessible air flow is and how much sound I can produce aswell as how it sounds, I have explored two very different songs that I feel as though challenged my voice as they both use parts of my voice I don't tend to take advantage of. 

In order to achive the previous skills I have mentioned I had to work on one key skill being Patience. I am a driven individual with the intentions to exceed expectations with everything I put My mind too, facing the reality that I can't be perfect at everything first try was difficult however I quickly realised that this was an obstacle I could easily overcome by changing my mind set and seeing the targets as a reward. This allowed me to approach my targets with more drive and enthusiasm which allowed me to achieve my goals and feel more confident that I can patiently complete tasks.

By my next Blog I expect I will have achieved a high standard of development towards my Chosen skills as I will proceed to work on capturing footage and practicing my Targets weekly with two sessions a week in order to allow my body to adapt and prepare for the physical changes that are required.

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